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Noank, Connecticut & Vicinity Postcards
Object ID:1967.129
Beach Stone Fountain, Noank, CT. "Where to get Soda —— Beach Stone Fountain, M.W. Rathbun, Noank, CT."
Object ID:1968.080
"Main Street Noank" — Main Street looking east, trolley car station on left (later moved to Ward Avenue, built into house across from fire house).
Object ID:1985.082.001
Pen and ink drawing depicting the old Noank Dock, before 1938, by Constance C. Rechel.
Object ID:1991.063.001
Freeman Rogers dock, ELLA MAY in foreground, September 18, 1920, b&w postcard. Addressed to Miss Grace Fitzpatrick, Noank, Conn. with the note "A bit of the good 'old town'." (This dock was located where Ford's Lobster is today on Riverview Avenue.)
Object ID:1993.009.007
Postcard of ALICE L. PENDLETON (formerly HAUPPAUGE), Mystic River, Noank, Conn.
Object ID:1998.034.003
"Hoxie House Square, Mystic, Conn." East Main Street, from Miss Fitzgerald to Miss Mary Morgan, Poquonnoc Bridge, Conn., postmarked June 29, 1910. The Rhode Island News Company, Providence, RI, Leipzig, Berlin, Dresden, publisher. Trolley and tracks shown.
Object ID:2001.016.017A
Scanned photograph of MANDALAY, built in Noank by Noank Shipyard, Harry Morse, President, 1928. Westside Noank Shipyard on West Cove. Homeport, Shaw's Cove, New London. Capt. James H. Lawrence owned boat MANDALAY, New London, CT. Left: Camille Burnett, Right Richard Burnett
Object ID:2003.014.002
"Town Dock, Noank, Conn." looking north; gaff—rigged sloop (about 28' long), at the dock.
Object ID:2003.014.005
"Ashbey House, Noank, Conn.," published by M. W. Rathbun, Noank, Conn., addressed to Mr. William S. Everts, Fort Plains, New York, postmark not clear. It is inscribed: "We are not far from this hotel and have such a fine view, etc., signed J—" — details to be transcribed and entered.
Object ID:2003.014.006
"Main Street Looking West, Noank, Conn." Trolley shown crossing Main Street, undated.
Object ID:2003.014.007
"Residence of H. W. [Henry Ward] Ranger, Noank, Conn." published by M. W. Rathbun, Noank, Conn.
Object ID:2003.014.014
Postcard of Noank —— "Robert Palmer & Son Co.'s Shipyard, Noank, Conn." published by M.W. Rathbun
Object ID:2006.003.005
Postcard entltled "Noank, Conn. from Prospect Hill", black and white. Duplicate of 1971.004.011
Object ID:2009.001.001
Postcard of Pearl Street, Noank, Conn., Pub. by Morris Berman, New Haven, Conn.
Object ID:2009.001.002
Postcard of Connecticut State Lobster Hatchery, Noank, Conn. On back No. C9158 Published by M. W. Rathbun, Jeweler, Noank, Conn. Made in Germany. Taken before the 1938 hurricane.
Object ID:2010.002.003
Scanned photograph received via email of Ram island Light—Vessell, Fixed White, Bell or Horn. Ram Island vessel on right, Ram Island Hotel barely visable.
Object ID:2010.002.004
Scanned postcard received via email of Ram Island Reef Light Ship near New London, Conn. Colored image. Originals owned by Geoff Jones. NHS has another copy
Object ID:2010.033.010
"Main Street Noank, Conn" postcard showing trolley station, looking East, addressed to Mrs. N.A. Lang, Little Falls, NJ, from W.Y. Lang, postmarked 1922. Publisher: Morris Berman, New Haven, Conn.
Object ID:2010.033.011
"Main Street with Trolley, Noank, Conn" postcard, not postmarked. Publisher number 1152.
Object ID:2010.033.012
"Trolley on Chapel Street" postcard sent to Master Harold Potter from Inez ?, titled "Chapel Street, Looking North, Noank, Conn." Postmarked 1906. Publisher number 1119. This is Sylvan Street today, site of the Noank Historical Society.
Object ID:2010.033.043
"Pearl Street, looking North, Noank, Conn." Not postmarked. Publisher: The Rotograph Co., N. Y. City (Germany)
Object ID:2010.033.045
"Elm Street looking north, Noank, Conn.", cemetery on left, addressed to Miss Ethelyn Van Brunt (?), 60 Bank St., New York, NY, from Ruth F., not postmarked. M. W. Rathbun, Noank, Conn., Publisher, postcard number D 3173, printed in Germany, Newvochrome.
Object ID:2010.033.077
Color postcard Picture of STONINGTON side—wheel steamer and large sailing ship / brig, unidentified Published by The Rotograph Co., N. Y. City. (Germany) Dup: 88.66.4
Object ID:2010.047.001
Fire engine (horse drawn) labeled "NOANK" & ?. Spicers house in b.g. at Town Dock. Photographer: E.L. Young, undated. Lathrop Engine and Waterous pump purchased ca. 1909 by Noank Fire Company. Photo taken at foot of Store Hill, Noank. Spicer home in background. 5/29/18—Note: this is a steam pumper per Arnold Crossman and Carl Brustolon.
Object ID:2010.047.003
Noank fire equipment (looks like being unloaded from boat), at Town dock with fire company and citizens. Photographer: E.L. Young, undated.
Object ID:2003.007.002.5
"Town Dock, Mason's Island in Distance, Noank, Conn." digital image from a postcard, undated.