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NHS Board of Directors

Debbie Bates, President
Tim Pratt, Vice President
Steven Anderson, Treasurer
Paul Bates
Nancy Codeanne
Chris Lane
Anne Lawrie
Shirley McFadden
Patty Oat
Carol Oviatt
Bruce Smith
Deborah Thompson
Rick Waters
John Wilbur

Directors Emeritus

Florence Oliver, Adrian Lane, Harve Stein, Mary Virginia Goodman, Dorothy Cramer, Emil Silberman, Stephen Lee, Bulkeley Smith, Jr., Richard Arms, Lillian Maxwell, Kenneth Hodgson, Benjamin Rathbun, Patricia Ann White, Barbara Eckelmeyer, Oliver Porter, Arnold Crossman

Past Presidents

Florence Oliver, Adrian  Lane, C.A. Campbell, Barbara Reed, Alfred Cramer, Michael Abel, Stephen Lee, Mary Anderson, James Giblin, Royden Grimm, Benjamin Rathbun, Patricia Ann White


Elizabeth Boucher, Collections Manager