By Steve Jones
JOIN US: 7:30 PM—WEDNESDAY, March 20, 2024
The Latham/Chester Store, 108 Main Street, Noank
On January 17, 1920, the 18th Amendment went into effect, and for the next 13 years it was illegal to manufacture, sell or transport liquor in the United States. During the Prohibition, Long Island Sound became a hotbed of illicit activity as rum runners sought to smuggle foreign booze into New York City. The people of Noank had front row seats to the show. On Wednesday, March 20, local author and rum running expert, Steve Jones, will share some Noank anecdotes of the Prohibition—“anecdotes, because documentation is by nature hard to come by on an illegal trade which thrived on poor enforcement!”
The public is cordially invited. Refreshments will be served.